Thursday, January 12, 2012

This may be my final song choice

This wasn't on any of my lists, but I randomly thought of this one, and this song has a solid story that I may be able to follow and illustrate. I was thinking of simulating a motion comic, like this one...

There will be a ton of illustrating involved, and I would have to figure out how to fill the solo parts with imagery that connects the story until the end, but i think this would be fun to do.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For Inspiration

Love this one

Very intense and I love the filming

My favorite band, very interesting video

Mastodon's music videos are always super random, but I always enjoy them.

I dont really like Linkin Park, but the animation in this video is INCREDIBLE! It reminds me of the animated sequence in KILL BILL Vol. 1

This one always makes the list, Love this band, love this song, love this video

Song choices for music video...I think i kinda narrowed it down

Frank Ocean - We All Try (music video) from High5Collective on Vimeo.